Hey dictator!

Posts Tagged ‘video’

A Group Confession in Support of Iran

In Uncategorized on September 22, 2009 at 2:20 pm

A group of beautiful souls from Australia have recorded a group confession in support of the green movement:

You really can’t imagine how heart warming these videos are. When you live in Iran and feel trapped between the walls of propaganda media and internet censoring, it’s easy to feel lonely. Its easy to feel that nobody cares. Thank you for reminding us that there are people out there who care. In every corner of the world, there are beautiful hearts that care for each other, regardless of how ugly the world may seem.

Confessing with a guitar

In Uncategorized on September 6, 2009 at 7:26 pm

Another poetic confession, this time with just a guitar:

I confess…

We are everywhere,

In memory of martyrs, we are Neda and Sohrab,

Resistant and hopeful, we are all together,

We are freeborn, and love Iran…

la la la la, la la…

The Angry Man Who Called Khamenei

In Uncategorized on August 22, 2009 at 7:13 pm

A very angry man from the Netherlands has confessed to the very angry phone calls he’s been making to Iran, among other things…


An Interrogation Session in Evin Prison

In Uncategorized on August 20, 2009 at 10:57 pm

Most of our confessions so far have not featured the interrogators. However, we have now received chilling footage of an interrogation session in Evin prison. These images have been leaked from insiders and have reached us through Spain via this top secret YouTube channel. Hey you! I said its top secret, don’t click!

At the end of the video apparently a technical problem occurred and there is no news on what happened to the prisoner. Rumor has it that this violent creature is still at large on the streets of Tehran. We do not know if the interrogator is still alive.

The Confessions of a Son for his Jailed Father

In Uncategorized on August 15, 2009 at 7:37 pm

Mehdi Saharkhiz has been an active member of the Iranian greens, especially well known for his genuinely passionate online efforts in tweeting, blogging, and video gathering for the pro-democracy movement in Iran. What else would you expect from someone whose Father is one of the amazing people whose integrity, honesty, and bravery  has landed him in jail. Who knows what they are doing to Isa Saharkhiz right now to get him to “confess”. Meanwhile, Mehdi has his own confessions to present to the world, dedicated to his Father:

We support you Mehdi.

BBC & American Cheese Join Forces Against Iran

In Uncategorized on August 14, 2009 at 4:55 pm

Weava, a twitter user from the UK sends in her completely honest, straight from the heart confessions which is clear she is NOT reading off of a prepared text written by interrogators 😀

Now do you understand why the Supreme Leader calls the UK the most evil of them all?

The audio may be a little unclear for some so here is the transcript:

I am Weava from Twitter & I confess to being involved in a plot to start the Chenille Revolution.

I confess that I have hijacked the colour green for my nefarious purposes

I confess that I have been funding the BBC & all of their satanic reports

I confess that I have been using evil Twitter to corrupt the men & women of Iran

I confess that it is all my fault that there has been such a show of courage, cunning & commitment to peace – I stirred all of that up

I confess that the pizza made me do it with its evil American Cheese

I confess I did it because I was bored.

I confess

The Suspicious Portuguese…

In Uncategorized on August 12, 2009 at 3:32 pm

While the Iranian government is busy pointing to some Western countries such as Britain, France, or the USA for devising a “velvet revolution” in Iran, a new video reveals yet again that the true perpetrators have gone unnoticed:

Indeed, the Portuguese have been suspiciously silent on the recent events in Iran…

Note: The scarf referred to as “Chafiye” in this video is introduced in Wikipedia as “Keffiyeh”. For Iranians this scarf became a symbol of the Iran-Iraq war and also the Basij. The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, wears a “Chafiye” in most of his public appearances. Since these types of scarves have only recently become fashionable in Western countries, you could say Khamenei has been a step ahead of the fashion trends! 😀

The Allure of the Persian…

In Uncategorized on August 11, 2009 at 5:23 pm

Ever since we started this blog, we have seen many foreign agents “confess” to various green crimes they have committed in Iran. But what is it about Iran that attracts so much attention? What is so attractive about it? Is it the oil? Is it the strategic geopolitical position of the country? No. We have just received a shocking new confession that reveals the true reason behind foreign meddling:

Aah the power of cats…and the allure of Persian cats…

How is Jar Jar Binks Linked to Iran’s Green Revolution?

In Uncategorized on August 11, 2009 at 5:00 am

We have found him! The person who invented the character of Jar Jar Binks is the one behind Iran’s green revolution! Watch to learn who else helped him:

We may have just discovered one of the most sinister characters in history. World Wars I and II are OK, but Jar Jar Binks?! Come on!!

Also, we noticed that the interrogators made a mistake in writing his confession statement for him. Did you notice it?

A Poetic Confession

In Uncategorized on August 11, 2009 at 3:16 am

The pro-democracy green movement of Iran has produced a new confession video which is currently gaining popularity and being widely shared on the internet. It is in the form of a musical song, something almost like a dark poetic rap / hip-hop song. Serious and gloomy. Now it is available with English subtitles:

The English is of course just a literal translation and unfortunately does not capture the poetic beauty of the song.