Hey dictator!

Posts Tagged ‘youtube’

Top 10 Ways to Overthrow a Regime Using Google Translate

In Uncategorized on August 10, 2009 at 4:02 am


Twitter, Facebook and Google’s newly introduced Persian-to-English translation software were part of a vast foreign conspiracy against Iran, said a prosecutor today at the second session of an extraordinary trial against alleged ringleaders of weeks of unrest unfolding in Iran.

So reports the LA Times on the latest round of Stalin-like court trials, as Fareed Zakaria explains:

The above charge with respect to Facebook & Google Translate is especially interesting when we notice that the Iranian regime’s English language mouthpiece and propaganda channel, Press TV, uses both Facebook and Google Translate on every single story on its website. Although it has removed Google Translate from its newer theme, this is the bar that appears under each of its stories in the classic view:


Anyways, the thought that Google Translate can be part of a global conspiracy is so amazing that we thought we would invite all of you creative people out there to help us understand this claim by coming up with a list of imaginative ways in which this could be possible. We invite you to comment on this post with different ways to overthrow the Iranian government using Google Translate. We will then try to pick out some of the best and compile a list of the top 10 ways to overthrow a regime using Google Translate!

The Underground Tunnel Under The UK Embassy

In Uncategorized on August 9, 2009 at 7:15 pm

We finally figured out who built the underground tunnel under the British embassy in Tehran:

This shameless CIA and BBC(!) agent does not even regret her immoral actions 😀 We love the funny accent.

The Confessions of Grannie4peace

In Uncategorized on August 7, 2009 at 5:15 pm

YouTube user Grannie4peace has uploaded this very touching confession video that is touching people’s hearts:

This video is also popular on balatarin.com. Not to mention all the amazing comments it has been receiving here.

This lovely Grannie has previously made other great videos about Iran as well which you can check out on her YouTube channel. The most famous of these is her open letter to Khamenei:

This 62 year old, “semi retired letter carrier in Virginia” as she describes her self to us, has 4 children and 4 grandchildren. “I have been watching twitter since the election. I wanted the world to wear green for you. I watch everyday and pray for Iran”, she tells us, and says she also knows there is a little blind boy on twitter who prays to see Iran free also (We think she may be referring to PD90). This wonderful grannie says she has come to love the people of Iran and continues: “I mourn with the mourning mothers & belong to grandmothers for peace in the USA. We stand with the mourning mothers in silent protest against the crimes of torture & repression happening in iran!”

The Joy of Prison

In Uncategorized on August 7, 2009 at 3:08 am

Who said that people in Iranian prisons are forced to confess under torture?! We know for a fact based on the following confession from a reader in Austria that Iranian prisons are utterly enjoyable:

Yes, indeed for V.I.P treatment you do not even need to go all the way to prison yourself, the ride and beautiful bearded escorts are entirely free!

I Confess – A Tribute to Mohammadreza Jalaeipour

In Uncategorized on August 6, 2009 at 8:05 am

On a more serious note, supporters of the green movement have created a confession video as a tribute to Mohammadreza Jalaeipour, one of the talented young Iranian minds who was arrested after the elections and is considered to be under pressure / torture to confess to lies. This video has been growing popular among Iranians in the past couple of days and is now available with English subtitles:

There is also a Facebook group advocating the release of Mohammadreza.

Ahmadinejad’s Beard Aggravated The Velvet Revolution

In Uncategorized on August 4, 2009 at 10:39 pm

Another confession reveals that Ahmadinejad’s beard may have been the primary agitator of  the velvet revolution:


Brainwashed by the Coalition of Bald Manikins!

In Uncategorized on August 3, 2009 at 11:37 pm

Reader Tressa sends her incredible confessions:

Those evil manikins! It is unfortunate that their secret lobby has so much power and influence in politics these days! 😀 I’ve heard rumors that many manikins were also present in New York City on September 11, 2001.

A Confession from Germany

In Uncategorized on August 3, 2009 at 11:19 pm

Reader Julia sends her marvelous confessions from Germany:

Very elegant and creative 🙂 We loved the pills 😀 Thank you!

Update: This confession has now become a popular link in the Iranian social networking site balatarin.com.

Join In!

In Uncategorized on August 3, 2009 at 2:46 am

We’ve just recently started this project and this blog. Many people on twitter and other social networking sites are showing positive responses to this whole idea. Please help share this idea with everyone. Share the link to this blog and its about page on twitter, facebook, myspace, yahoo, etc. and help get the word out. Encourage your friends to join in too. It can be a lot of fun! And you will also be helping the world realize how ridiculous the false confessions propaganda really is. Spread the word.

Post comments on this blog and tell us about your videos. We want to post them all here.

Update: Thanks to volunteer efforts, we have now set up www.watchmeconfess.org to point to this blog. So you can now easily tell your friends to visit WatchMeConfess dot org.

Update: We now have a Facebook group.

A Tweeter Posts Her Confessions

In Uncategorized on August 3, 2009 at 2:27 am

A twitter user Talkoholic, has announced her confessions to the Iranian state media and posted them on YouTube. You can see them here:

This “common revolutionary greenie girl” as she likes to be known as, tells us that she was inspired to make the confession after reading Iran_Translator‘s Green Brief #46. She hates it when some people try to control other people’s minds and recommends this book chapter by Dr. Robert J. Lifton to everyone.

Many people have enjoyed her confession clip, which gave us the idea to start this website.

Update: This video has also been posted on Iranian.com and has received some comments there too.